Sunday, May 16, 2021

Investigatory Project: Research Paper


Investigatory Project

Hi everyone! This is my final project in term 3. I created small bubbles filled with liquid– it might sound hard to make, but it is actually pretty easy! Enjoy.  



Science Project: Environmental Organisation Research

 Hi everyone, this is my final term 2 project, the Environmental Organisation Research. I created my own campaign and also interviewed a person who has his own campaign, which specialises in reducing plastic waste.

Series and parallel model

 Hi everyone! In this science investigation, i created a series and parallel circuit. A series circuit is a connected circuit in where if one bulb does not light up, the entire circuit won't light up. A parallel circuit is a connected circuit in where if one bulb does not light up the remaining bulbs are still lit.

series circuit

parallel circuit

Soluble and insoluble substances

 In this science experiment we test out which solids are soluble and insoluble. 

Saturday, May 15, 2021