Tuesday, May 5, 2020

A model of the Sun, the Earth and the Moon

- cardboard

- scissors
- compass
- acrylic paint and brush

1. Cut out two circles (small and medium) from two of the paper plates.
2. Use the entire plate for the Sun, the medium circle for the Earth, and the small one for the Moon.
3. Colour the Sun yellow, colour the Earth blue and green, and leave the Moon white.
4. Cut out two strips of card about 2 cm wide. One of the strips must be about 20 cm long and the other about 12 cm long.
5. Connect one end of the short strip to the center of the back of the Moon using a metal clip.
6. Connect the other end of that strip to the center of the Earth (but don’t close the second clip yet).
7. Connect one end of the long strip to the center of the back of the Earth with the already-open clip.
8. Connect the other end of that long strip to the center of the Sun.
9. After that, make the Moon revolve around the Earth and the Earth revolve around the Sun.
10. Take a video of you showing how it works (minimum of 3 mins).

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