Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Craters experiment is an active, hands-on activity that demonstrates how craters form, and what they can teach us about the history and composition of planets and moons. By dropping objects of various sizes, shapes, and masses into a shallow container with the chosen powder, the students simulate the formation of a meteorite crater.

II. Materials:
• Creating Craters Sheet (provided)
• shallow container/pan
• 3 objects of different sizes (marbles/rocks/peebles/toys)
• any powder available (flour/detergent powder/sand)
• ruler and spoon

III. Steps:
1. Spread newspapers under the container to catch spills while doing the experiment.

2. Use a spoon to evenly spread out the powder.

3. Hold up on object and drop (1 metre) it into the shallow container.

4. Record the width of your impact (in inches or cm) and the depth of the impact (in inches or cm) in the chart on the worksheet.

5. Drop object number two into the container and measure the width and depth of the crater.

6. Repeat the same setup for object three.

7. Use the same setup and spread the powder evenly.

8. Repeat the dropping of objects with a different motion this time, such as spinning the object.

9.Fill out the table under trial two, record the width and depth of each object dropped using this different dropping method.

10. Repeat the same progress, using a different dropping method. Record your data on your table under trial three.

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